ISBA-TP: training talent to meet the challenges of tomorrow

Civil engineering school specializing in infrastructure modeling and digitization

Why choose isba-tp?

Faced with technical, social and environmental challenges, construction engineering must evolve:

Carbon footprint and eco-construction :

Training to build a sustainable future.

Urban transformation :

Developing tomorrow’s infrastructure.

Heritage renovation :

Meeting the technical challenges of modernization.

Digital change :

Adopt new collaborative methods.

Our trainings

Discover our two degree courses from BAC+4 to BAC+6.

Expert diploma in digitalization and building operation

      Training duration: 2 years – BAC+4 / BAC+5
      Format: alternating and initial.
      Training schedule: 15 days training / 15 days on the job or in the laboratory
Skills covered :
  1. Establishing a digitalization strategy for sustainable, high-performance buildings
  2. Design a building’s digital system and coordinate its implementation
  3. Exploiting a building’s digital system through the BOS for optimization
  4. Managing a digitalization project and supporting the resulting transformations

Diplôme d’Ingénieur spécialisé en BTP “ Modélisation complexe des infrastructures de la construction ” (“Complex modeling of construction infrastructures”)

      Training period: 15 months – BAC+6
  • Format : initial.
      Training schedule: 9 months of training and 6 months of internship
Core competencies covered :
  1. Fundamentals of building and structure design
  2. Material characteristics and prescription
  3. Integration of modeling tools
  4. Human training & Contractual, legal and technical organization
Options :
  1. Infrastructure & geotechnics
  2. Engineering structures & transport infrastructure
  3. Earthquake & Nuclear Engineering
  4. Renovation & Asset management
  5. Eco-construction & Materials
  6. Smartcities 5.0

Professional development and innovation

Research & Development

On our campus, our Lab2ITEC laboratory, Laboratoire des Infrastructures Intelligentes et des Technologies de l’Environnement Connecté, explores intelligent infrastructures and sustainable technologies.

Thanks to an instrumented showroom building, we are conducting research into environmental modeling, energy management and AI.

This innovative laboratory combines ecology, comfort and performance in the service of tomorrow’s infrastructures. It is affiliated with the Doctoral School – Engineering Sciences: Mechanics, Physics, Micro and Nanoelectronics – ED353 of Aix-Marseille-Université.


ISBA-TP has implemented a Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE) procedure in line with government recommendations. VAE may be total or partial, with a view to the award of diplomas offered by ISBA TP.

A specialized engineering school in Marseille


ISBA-TP has implemented a Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE) procedure in line with government recommendations. VAE may be total or partial, with a view to the award of diplomas offered by ISBA TP.

> French applicants: Examination of the application form, downloadable from, admissions section. > Foreign applicants: Register on the CAMPUS France platform for interested countries from October 1, and send the application to the school at the same time on

The figures

% Learner satisfaction rate
% Company satisfaction rate
% Overall professional integration rate at 6 months

Contact us

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