Housing and transport

Our tips to make your layout easier


Here you’ll find all our tips for finding the right addresses and contacts for your search for student accommodation in Marseille.


Marseille, as France’s second largest city, can present a challenge when it comes to finding student accommodation. Don’t worry, l’École Pratique is here to make your search for student accommodation easier, whether in Luminy or elsewhere in the city. There are several options available to you for your student accommodation, including private residences, shared flats, university residences, social residences, rooms for rent in private homes, and access to ALOTRA accommodation on the school campus.

To benefit from these rooms, students must contact the school’s recruitment department (recrutements@isba.fr), which will forward the application to the appropriate people. Direct applications to the residence will not be accepted.


Student accommodation search platforms
Numerous websites offer listings for student accommodation such as apartments and rooms. These platforms cover a variety of offers, from student residences and university halls of residence, also known as cités U, to listings for accommodation offered by private individuals. Here are just a few examples, although the list is by no means exhaustive:

Si vous ne disposez pas de garant pour votre dossier de location :

Carte interactive qui localise les résidences de Marseille :




where to turn?

Your contacts for student housing in Marseille
The Visale guarantee, introduced by Action Logement, replaces the Clé scheme run by Lokaviz – Crous. This new guarantee, entirely free of charge and beneficial to both tenant and landlord, takes over from the former Clé (Caution Locative Étudiante) scheme run by Crous-Lokaviz. By opting for Visale, the Action Logement organization acts as guarantor when the rental file is set up.

Anyone under the age of 30 is eligible for the Visale guarantee. Once the application has been submitted online, a reply is usually given within two working days, and the Visale visa is active for a period of 3 years, with a maximum rent limit of €1,200. To reinforce this assistance, you can also check your eligibility for other Action Logement solutions, such as Loca-Pass.


CROUS – Action Logement
Among the housing options offered by the CROUS, the residence closest to ISBA TP is the Cité Universitaire Luminy – Bâtiment C, located at 171 avenue de Luminy – 13288 MARSEILLE. Assistance is available to all students according to their social criteria. For further information, please contact the Crous de Marseille or visit the Action Logement website, which has taken over some of the Crous housing subsidies. These housing-related formalities must be undertaken before the “état des lieux” is signed, as part of the process of putting together your rental management file, which bailpdf can help you put together.

Nexity, a specialist real estate group based in Marseille, regularly offers rental accommodation to suit a variety of budgets. Our school has established a partnership with Nexity, offering our students priority access to accommodation and exemption from administrative fees on presentation of their student card or certificate of attendance.

> See their housing offers in Marseille


Info Jeunes Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur
An information organization dedicated specifically to students and young people in general, Info Jeunes can help you find student accommodation through its network. A local branch is available in Marseille to provide support tailored to your needs.


Combining student aid
In order to provide complete assistance to students, it is possible to combine and cumulate aid from the Crous and Action Logement. These grants cover various aspects such as housing, transport, food and even the financing of a driving license. You can find information on discounted driving licenses on the Ornikar website. To speed up the application process, we recommend you apply online. What’s more, you won’t be asked for your credit card details when you apply.




An easily accessible campus

The Campus is well served by the B1, 21 Jet and 24 bus lines, stopping at Luminy-Lachamp, offering our students a wide range of accommodation options.

Students can choose from a wide range of accommodation options.


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Study in Marseille

Marseille: a student city to explore
Over the years, Marseille has gained in attractiveness, becoming a popular destination for businesses and students alike. The creation of the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan area and the city’s dynamic economy have played a major role in this transformation. The many companies and start-ups that are setting up in our region represent promising recruitment opportunities!

Furthermore, as the former European Capital of Culture in 2013, Marseille is constantly enriching its cultural landscape. Initiatives such as the creation of the MUCEM and the rehabilitation of the Friche Belle de Mai bear witness to its commitment to cultural development. As an ancient city, Marseille also offers an exceptional wealth of history and culture.

Last but not least, Marseille is an ideal destination for students, thanks to its many festivals throughout the year and new meeting, shopping and concert venues such as the Terrasses du Port and Espace Julien.

Above all, Marseille stands out for its well-developed range of student accommodation, whether rented or shared, through agencies or private transactions. There’s something for everyone!

> For more information on student accommodation in Marseille, please contact us!

They’re in

The human and professional environment, and in particular my encounters with brilliant teachers and remarkable students from a wide range of backgrounds, have enabled me to grow in the field of building and civil engineering.

Nouria T.

Promotion 2016 / 2017

What also impressed me about this experience was the ability of the teaching and administrative staff to listen to our needs and difficulties.

Kodjo Edem E.

Promotion 2020 / 2021