Continuous training  – ISBA TP

Vocational training to specialize


Continuing education at ISBA TP Marseille: a personalized offer ISBA TP offers continuous training in Marseille.

An à la carte training, personalized, according to your needs is proposed. The ISBA TP supports you in the choice of programs and individual development. Several opportunities for continuous professional training are available to companies:

  • Long continuous training,
  • The short continuous training Intra-Entreprise,
  • Short continuous training Inter Entreprise.

For employees and non-employees of the BTP, our establishment also offers the possibility of setting up a Validation of Experience (VAE) on request.

Long continuous training

In what format does the long-term BTP training in Marseille take place?

Certain teaching modules of the ISBA-TP are open to employees as part of continuous training. Registrations are taken no later than two weeks before the start of the module. For any quote request, contact us!


The short BTP continuous training Intra Entreprise: an adapted training

The ISBA-TP can establish, at the request of a company or a design office, a specific training program based on a specification. This action can take place either in the company or on the premises of the Institute.


Intra-company training quotes are offered on a case-by-case basis depending on the training set up.


Some examples of implementation:


SOGREAH “Eurocodes, Eurocode 0, Eurocode 2-1”

AREVA “Eurocodes, Eurocode 0, Eurocode 2-1”

BE MSI “Eurocodes, Eurocode 0”

ESID “Design and dimensioning of maritime structures”

SARET “Finite element training for the calculation of structures under earthquakes” (2 days)

DUMEZ “The essential information to be extracted from a geotechnical report” (2 days)

> To find out more about in-company professional training, contact us!



Inter-Entreprise short BTP continuous training: tailored training

On themes proposed by the ISBA-TP Guidance Council or professional bodies, the Institute organizes short professional training sessions. Participation fees are tax-exempt.




> To find out more about inter-company professional training, contact us.