Acquire skills in the design of high-tech works


Objective of post-master training

Train high-level executives by specializing and certifying graduate engineers in the calculation of civil engineering structures in interaction with the ground.

Specialized engineer title in Complex Modeling of construction infrastructures. Level 7, RNCP Code 39455, issued by CCI France. Start of certification courses 01-09-2023. Registration deadline 31-08-2025

Specializing in soil/structure interaction

The ISBA-TP offers the opportunity for holders of a civil engineering degree to improve their skills in the field of soil/structure interaction. The use of geotechnics is essential and mandatory during the design, construction, maintenance and repair of all buildings and structures. It is an integral part of the art of construction for the proper consideration of soil/structure interaction at the foundation level, regardless of the type of structure considered (shallow foundation, deep foundation, support, shielding, etc.) and regardless of the terrestrial, maritime or river environment. This specialization will allow student engineers to master a construction project for a structure in soil/structure interaction as a whole: maritime infrastructures, dams, tunnels, underground structures, etc. The two courses “Works Management” and “Technical Design Offices” allow students to personalize their learning curriculum, as closely as possible to their expectations in technical, managerial and societal terms.


What are the skills targeted by this specialized training for civil engineering in Marseille?

Graduates of this specialized engineering training in infrastructure and geotechnics will be able to carry out the following missions:

  • Study the feasibility of a large-scale construction project (buildings and tunnels, maritime structures, quays, dams, underground structures, etc.) including in seismic zones
  • Design projects by optimizing cost, deadline and quality parameters,
  • Lead the technical and administrative development of projects,
  • Carry out execution studies, Coordinate the execution of projects,
  • Develop the entire cross-functional organization of a construction site
  • Assume the management responsibilities of a study or construction site team

At the end of the course

What are the skills acquired by this specialized construction engineer training?

The ISBA-TP engineer at the end of his training will be able to manage the following aspects:

  • The different construction techniques of a construction project in soil / structure interaction,
  • The environmental constraints of the project,
  • The technical solutions adapted to the project budget,
  • The contractual procedures,
  • The good organizational and financial practices of the construction sites.

They did it

Many thanks to the administration for supporting us throughout the year.

Promotion 2023/2024

My specialized background in infrastructure and geotechnics, a guarantee of quality expertise, allowed me to join an internationally recognized group as a port studies engineer.

Caio T.

Promotion 2015 / 2016

The ISBA TP allowed me to assert my skills in geotechnics and civil engineering in a field that interested me.

Jonathan G.

Promotion 2008 / 2009


What courses are taught during this training in infrastructure and geotechnics?

This training in geotechnics and infrastructure for engineers is taught in Marseille over a period of 15 months (2030 hours). The courses are spread over three semesters, including conferences and visits (40 hours).

List of modules in the earthquake engineering training with their distribution by semester:

  • – Semester 1 of the common core:
  • It is dedicated to the acquisition of scientific / managerial skills of the common core (555 hours). The student chooses his professional orientation by choosing to follow more technical modules (profile of Design Offices) or more organizational (profile of Works Manager) Example of modules: Earthquake engineering, metal structures, reinforced concrete structures, foundation design, modeling, building design, construction law, markets, site installation, ICPE, planning, contract management.
  • – Semester 2 of Specialization (555 hours):
  • It is dedicated to the acquisition of skills specific to the fields of underground structures. Example of modules: maritime works, wind civil engineering, dams, tunnels, digital modeling of underground structures, etc. This trimester is followed by a period of practical application via a specialization project lasting 1 month.
  • – Semester 3 end-of-studies internship: (910 hours – 6 months)


Why integrate this engineering specialization at ISBA TP?

– An engineering degree recognized by the Commission des Titres d’ingénieurs (CTI)


– A degree registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP)


– A degree with the Europass label


– A professionalizing specialization course


_ Courses taught by engineers from the profession (Engineering, Construction companies, inspection offices)


– A school recognized in its field for the quality and requirement of its teaching, due to its longevity and experience


– Membership of the CCIAMP


> To find out more about the specialization training in land and maritime infrastructures, contact us!


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How to register for the ISBA TP?

Find all the information to put together your file on our ADMISSION page.